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  1. M

    Need advice on moving forward or not with this offered IUL

    @missmae No offense to the agent but they have no idea what they are talking about. They may have seen caps rise for new clients but that’s a completely different phenomenon. What’s happening behind the scenes is the people designing the buckets are taking a budget, going out to the options...
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    Need advice on moving forward or not with this offered IUL

    @missmae The cap is never fixed for the life of the contract, it’s always variable for a new “bucket” after the last one ends. And there should be language in the illustration to show what the minimum they can offer is. I used to review a lot of these each week and I still review a few a...
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    Need advice on moving forward or not with this offered IUL

    @missmae This is capped at 10% gain NOW Next year could be 9, 8, or all the way down to a minimum they specify (probably around 2%). That's the fatal flaw (on top of many, many, many others) in IUL.
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 Let's go through year by year with the equivalent of 10k after tax. Year 1- 401k- $13k contribution, $13k +/- value, $6,500 loan available. (I'm saying plus minus but the fact you have the full $13k working for you in terms of growth is important) WL- $10k premium, maybe 5k...
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    Life Insurance Solves Financial Needs far Better than Retirement Accounts

    @evanburnside12 I'm a huge fan of cash value whole life but you've dramatically misrepresented it here. With strong dividend performance it'll be 10 years before cash value even equals cost basis on most policies. Your analysis fails to take that into account and in fact begins afterwards...
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    What I learned from my Research and Studies regarding IUL by UsuSepulcher

    @tannerking1 Whoever is "teaching" you has a significant bias you need to be aware of. There is simply no free lunch and there is always a cost of hedging. Getting a year of zero percent returns will still be a (very) negative year because of fees. And if caps don't allow you to participate in...
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    What I learned from my Research and Studies regarding IUL by UsuSepulcher

    @tannerking1 That's impossible. If you don't understand why it's impossible it's time to do more research.
  8. M

    Received a distribution that was 2.5% of $1M death benefit from my father’s policy after he passed

    @airborne23 I don't spend much time in the guaranteed space, but I can tell you I've seen a number of inforce illustrations where GVUL's reduce face amount significantly in the older ages to keep costs down. If I recall correctly, it's usually every 5 years starting around 65 or 70. My point...