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  1. V

    New to financial planning, I wasted 8 years of my 401K employment matching only 3%. Is it too late for me (30 F)?

    @dancingkati OP, you need to see this. You'll end up having to cease contributions around August/Sept at 15%, you'd need to check with your employer if they backfill matching contributions. For budgeting/ease of investing I would set your contribution to 11%. Then take that 4% delta between what...
  2. V

    I should 1.5x my income in 401k by age 35…?

    @meeniminyong If by 25% you mean overall retirement savings (including IRA if possible, 401k, and non tax advantaged brokerage), then sure. But $170k x .25 is $42,500, well above the IRS maximum contribution of $22,500. Regardless, OP needs to be maxing 401k contributions out per year at a minimum.