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    Tax Season 2021: Resources and Questions megathread

    @purupledoll That won’t be repaid through your tax return. Source
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    PCS W/O Family BHA Question

    @billie18 Did you stay CONUS or go OCONUS?
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    28 Y/O thinking about joining the military (air force or army)

    @ray88c If you go active duty, you wouldn’t get the housing allowance in your pay, but you would get free housing. How long you stay in the dorms/barracks depends on the branch and location. In that situation, I would break your lease and put your stuff on storage (after you sell anything...
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    "Post Retirement Expenses"

    @texasgungal You’d look at tables 2 and 4, group A. The 2024 numbers should be out soon.
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    Tax Season 2021: Resources and Questions megathread

    @slivinskaya This changed in 2018 with the VBTA. In many circumstances, a military spouse can file taxes in the servicemember’s state of legal residence even if they’ve never been in that state.
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    PCS W/O Family BHA Question

    @billie18 Please post here so everyone can be aware.
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    Tax Season 2021: Resources and Questions megathread

    @penny888 I’d give it a shot yourself first or at the on base tax center. Is she planning to claim your state tax residence?
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    PPM DITY move and payment for PCS

    @omandi111 Receipts do matter for reducing the taxable portion of the PPM payment. Lodging receipts are also necessary for TLE, TLA, and if you’re flying. If you’re driving, they are not necessary for travel days since you get flat rate per diem those days.
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    Should my SO and I both be maxing TSP/401k?

    @yorkslad Hard to say. There are quite a few ways to access retirement funds early without penalty. There are even scenarios where you’re better off paying the penalty than you would be putting money in a taxable account. How much do you already have saved? At your income level, I doubt this...
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    PPM DITY move and payment for PCS

    @ugaris The payment you get for a PPM isn’t a reimbursement. It’s an “incentive payment.” You will need weight tickets, and your incentive payment will be 100% of what it would have cost the government to move your stuff (up to the weight limit) in one shipment from the old duty station to the...
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    New military spouse and worried about finances.

    @abaddonthedestroyer I’m sorry you’re in this position. My first suggestion is to contact all creditors and request SCRA benefits. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act requires that lenders lower the interest rate on debt to 6% when someone goes on active duty. If you aren’t authorized on any...
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    Tax Season 2021: Resources and Questions megathread

    It’s that time of year again! I believe most W-2s are now available, so it’s time to remind everyone of the tax filing assistance options MilTax from Military One Source: Tax consultants available by phone. Starting on Jan 19, free access to H&R Block Premium tax software. In the past it’s...
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    Have you been complaining that your BAH is too low?

    @desales09 Not sure, but if I were trying to find out, I’d start at or
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    Have you been complaining that your BAH is too low?

    @bollys02 Military members do get a partial cost of living adjustment everywhere thanks to BAH.
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    [TSP traditional to roth] GS-7 what to do with $8,000 from first year of TSP contributions

    @matt_hil Is the TSP amount from your current job or previous military service? If you’re still employed by the federal government and under 59.5, the only way to withdraw from the TSP is if you have a hardship that meets the IRS’s guidelines. If you do, that money cannot be rolled into another...
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    Have you been complaining that your BAH is too low?

    Read about somebody who actually did something about it, and then go see your Military Housing Office.
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    Military Starcard in collections

    @sweetheart1 Your Husband may be able to file for “Injured Spouse relief” to get a portion of your refund.
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    If you max out your TSP but go slightly over, how does the excess get reimbursed?

    @carlawalker Your contributions should be automatically adjusted to stop when you hit the limit. The system was messed up for a couple of years and people were getting refunded after the fact, but it should be fixed now.
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    50% of TSP participants are in the G Fund

    @soldier149 The default TSP Fund for BRS participants is an age appropriate L fund.
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    Pay off debt or beef up savings?

    @freeyourmindfromthelies Start paying minimums on your car and the credit card. Put everything extra on her car. Since it has the highest interest rate, that saves you the most money and gets things paid off the fastest. Once her car is paid off, move all the money you were putting toward that...