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  1. D

    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @marahuta I believe they're referring to the PersonalFinance wiki.
  2. D

    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @captainfaris I'm very nicely trying to explain to you that even though you have great income potential, your financial situation is not good. You've only had this job for a month, so you're first on the chopping block. You could get injured or sick. You're personally in awe of your new income...
  3. D

    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @captainfaris Yes, you're asking for advice and you're ignoring the advice you're getting.
  4. D

    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @captainfaris Which is all great, but you're talking about future money. Money that you could potentially earn is important, but you haven't earned it yet. The road to financial security is littered with the bodies of people who were banking (pun intended) on future earnings. Right now, I'm...
  5. D

    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @captainfaris I would suggest you are woefully behind on funding your retirement and do not have the money to "play" with. Your best bet is to invest this smartly.
  6. D

    So I’ve read the Personal Finance Flowchart and here’s where I stand currently:

    @npd Post history shows they just started the job.