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  1. C

    Investment advice on company DC plan

    @christfollower1993 I'm not going to move to bonds immediately, but as I get closer to retirement I want to avoid being all in stocks like I currently am. Just to reduce risk and volatility. I'm no finance expert, I just want to keep things simple and low cost. I'm fine with increased risk...
  2. C

    Investment advice on company DC plan

    @christfollower1993 I generally just Google the name of the fund and it should take you to the fund's homepage. From there you should be able to see what it consists of/what its holdings are. Personally I would not stress too much about it. I know you want "the best" but try to simplify and...
  3. C

    Investment advice on company DC plan

    @christfollower1993 What is your timeframe, meaning how close to retirement are you? If you have potentially 20 years to go before retirement I'd probably recommend decreasing your bond allocation. I don't know the details of those funds but a couple of then look like target retirement type...