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  1. C

    $15,000 credit card debt at 21yrs old

    @resjudicata Yep, Dave is exactly the one needed here.
  2. C

    $15,000 credit card debt at 21yrs old

    @iamhereftw I agree 100% - however, I believe you can plan this without a "100% never go out again for a year". To many people that's dread. To some it's not, and it's a good way to build a healthy habit either way.
  3. C

    $15,000 credit card debt at 21yrs old

    @resjudicata Never said not able. Just said not realistic. If you gave me odds in Vegas on a 21 year old kid 15k in debt not spending $1 on anything beyond credit card debt and essentials for a year, I'd take that bet every day of the week.
  4. C

    $15,000 credit card debt at 21yrs old

    @resjudicata I agree that they can and should. I don't agree that they will, and while telling them that's what they should do in the future is correct, reality is often says different. People are human, and you're planning a perfect world. It's simply not realistic. Good financial planning...
  5. C

    $15,000 credit card debt at 21yrs old

    @mishka333 Austerity is indeed called for here however, too extream of austerity won't happen. In 3mo you'll have a "f-it" moment and lose all the gains. Find the deals, and return cans or whatever you need for "fun" money. Make it a game.