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  1. G

    In a bit of a dilemma

    @icewater Depends on how much your body needs it because it is priority number one, don’t burn yourself out, plus your age allows it since you have on paper many years of working life ahead of you. Burning it all is a strong No. Always keep a percentage in savings. If you haven’t, begin a...
  2. G

    Sending 5 figures abroad

    @lucsch You may get better rates on Revolut. I’d say check both and then make your decision. Goodluck
  3. G

    Sending 5 figures abroad

    @lucsch The commission rate you posted might be incorrect if you are calculating it based on the percentage the bank charges. There is always a maximum cap the bank can charge on transfer fees which you can inquire from your bank. Perhaps give a call and ask the operator for the exact fee...