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    Interactive Investor cannot show you the value of your portfolio over time!!!

    @kandikisses Quicken 2013 will do what you want, if you feel like inputting your data.
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    EUR to GBP exchange w/o losing on FX rates when EUR is cash

    @karole A little wide! 7.2% If you want an easy life, at least pick a company that only charges a percent or 2
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    EUR to GBP exchange w/o losing on FX rates when EUR is cash

    @tidal9334 Open an HSBC euro account then transfer to a cheap money transfer company such as Revolut.
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    ETFs - FTSE 100 , S&P 500 - What if e.g company number 7 becomes bankrupt?

    @kesh77 Yeah they'd have to buy the new 100th. If you look at the data here Click on "portfolio data" and skip down to the bottom section "Holding details". Skip to the last page (Page...
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    Warning Natwest Balance Transfer T&C

    @tied_in_knots This doesn't sound correct. Check the back of the statement for the allocation of payments policy.
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    Not sure if to go IVA route or DMP and Im torn

    @ngochang Really? I'm quite surprised by that. That's an expensive obligation to your employer, I'd be looking for another job personally. It doesn't cost you anything, they get the fees from the creditors. But it potentially affects their decision making.
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    Not sure if to go IVA route or DMP and Im torn

    @ngochang You have to go away and learn all the pros and cons of each option. It's a big decision. On the face of it, an IVA seems inappropriate for you. All of the negatives of bankruptcy, but no upside (you have no assets to protect) 8/9 years for a...