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    Tooo expensive policy even 6 months coverage is more costly then actual vehicle!!!!!

    @bingo25 Actually, that price was probably pretty reasonable for someone who just got their license and driving a 16 dodge charger in New York City.
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    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @monday This is just my opinion but for the area I’m in (Oklahoma) I would go with Travelers for coverage (but they’re about to go up on the wind and hail deductible soon), no one has good customer service right now, Farmers for claims (however they are extremely pricey but who isn’t anymore)...
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    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @monday Better as far as coverage, service, claims or price because those are all different answers? If all someone cares about is price price price price price, then it probably doesn’t really matter to them how those companies are with the other things.
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    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @monday That’s good to hear and I’m glad they were taken care of. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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    Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

    @hollywoodbowles Your first problem is that you’re with Progressive/Homesite. They are definitely not known for their stellar claim service. However, I’m sure the price was reasonable compared to other carriers, so you probably went with them because of that. However, as old saying goes, you get...
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    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @resjudicata Yes, I never said the fine did have anything to do with the customers. Nevertheless, most clients I speak with who have SF believe they can do no wrong.
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    State Farm Fined $4 Million by Montana Insurance Commissioner related to Private Passenger Auto Claims.

    @blmartinez Shit Farm is one of the worst companies in the whole industry. I will never understand why they have such a cult following with their clients.