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  1. K

    Expat investment guidance

    @glegbart Inexperience going in, and they seemed like a good place to start. Also not sure of the best way to access non-US funds
  2. K

    Expat investment guidance

    @sir_faith The UK's tax is high, but its really easy to manage if you are abroad: As long as you have a contract/proof of residency overseas HMRC doesn't want to know anything about your foreign assets UK income is easy to control and declare: rental income, dividends from UK companies etc. To...
  3. K

    Expat investment guidance

    Hey folks, I'm looking for some good guidance to navigate obvious loopholes or money leakage that I'm either probably falling foul, or at risk of. Question: How should I be setup to minimize brokerage fees - What brokerage would you recommend? avoid the risk of being whacked by the IRS? -...