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  1. M

    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @fredbird67 Unfortunately, just this week our extreme left tiped new elections with the blockade of the yearly budget. The proposed budget was actually one of the most social-focused of the last 2 decades, but these extreme left parties (especially the Communist party) wanted to egotistically...
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @fredbird67 Well, real estate market aside, the reason people "struggle" in these tail-of-Europe countries, which also goes for Italy and Greece for instance, is because we are highly-efficient "educator" countries without the infrastructure investment to keep a heavy services-oriented economy...
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @fredbird67 Houses in Spain, to the best of my knowledge, are much cheaper than in Portugal. And I can assure you I know the Portuguese market very well. You should note I mentioned 20-40min from the main cities. That's 25-60km away with standard roads, maybe less with direct highways. But...
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @hasanswers Basically you have to pay VAT in most countries for services rendered by a company, then you have to pay capital gains tax for money kept in the company (i.e. not invested), or you eventually have to pay income tax when that money transitions to yourself. The latter two layers are...
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    Where are those super salaries in excess of 200k USD coming from in the US and do such opportunities exist in Europe?

    @ulrike But not with a salary. You have to be a contractor (instead of employee) and work for multiple, likely not all German clients, and you're probably paying yourself from your self set up company. Nobody is paying 300k to actual code developers on a "retainer" fee (aka salary), and nobody...
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    BUX Zero in Netherlands - Think twice before you open account

    @blackmarch103 But if a judge or the state (or a regulator) deem the parking lot needs to be demolished next day for safety, or if there's an earthquake, you're not even taking into account (not the best analogy but it works). What I'm saying is there are scenarios where some protection is not...
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    BUX Zero in Netherlands - Think twice before you open account

    @rodan So basically this service you mention is forcing you to forfeit to lending them your assets instead of a custodian. So in short, they act as a holder of your assets, without the obligation to use them in your favour. This indeed sounds like a bad idea. Thing is we go back to my argument...
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    BUX Zero in Netherlands - Think twice before you open account

    @dixieriderxx Thanks for correcting me, basically a fiduciary right? But what happens if the bank/trader needs to settle debt, such as bonds or checking account balances, due to obligations to a central bank, and is forced to use other assets for that? I'm asking because a local bank went...
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    BUX Zero in Netherlands - Think twice before you open account

    @rodan The question is: is there a free commissions broker that doesn't work based on this, or other risky/quid-pro-quo (such as data mining, or actually charging fees) principle? Since most brokers keep hold your portfolio for you (even banks right?), in the event of asset ownership loss or...