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    Halal Funds that are not advertised as Halal

    @limegreen I understand your difficulties, which is why we will point you in the direction of our newsletter which aims to educate the Muslim investor on how to invest in the stock market. I wrote a piece here about how I structure my portfolio using a commission free broker and thus can buy...
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    Where do I begin ?

    @juliussneezer The platform doesn’t need to be halal, only the underlying investments eg stocks or funds. Fidelity likely has more options for the long term investor, a range of stocks and different halal funds (but check this). Whereas Wahed invests in only 2/3 funds, although these are still...
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    18 yr old want to invest long term

    @newcovenantheart Have a read of our ‘back to basics’ articles in our newsletter where we help Muslims invest in the stock market. Consider subscribing to follow how we are investing too. Any further questions feel free to reach out. Part 1...
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    Where to invest in halal ETFs in the UK

    @resjudicata Trading 212, Freetrade, AJ Bell - DIY investing Wahed and Forresters Shariah if you want to set and forget We prefer DIY (do it yourself) investing as you have more choice on halal stocks and funds. But in either case it’s important to learn and keep up with markets in general...
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    Seeking advices on how to invest islamicaly

    @joylakala Read this two part post Part 1 - Part 2 - If you need...
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    Want to learn more about Investing

    @monosy We talk about how we structure our portfolio in this article. It is part of our newsletter where we aim to help Muslims invest in the stock market. Consider subscribing to...
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    Seeking advices on how to invest islamicaly

    @joylakala Do you have the accessibility to invest in international stock markets like the USA? If so we can help. Check out and subscribe to our newsletter where we educate Muslims about investing in the stock market. Link here...