Search results

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    Indian working in USA on VISA term life insurance

    @smb123 This is correct. They would want to see visa, details of intent to remain in the US.
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    Life insurance exam - how do they measure height?

    @antone How much do you weigh, if I may ask?
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @levnishbar awww :(
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @levnishbar OP stay away from Gmoney's company. :p
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @markster7 I don't know who you're speaking to about your insurance needs, but perhaps get a new advisor. He has given you incorrect information on your build and smoker rates. Edible MJ use will NOT give you a smoker rate. Be honest on your application about the thc edibles. It usually asks for...
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    Evaluating whether to keep Whole Life my Dad bought for me

    @writingforlife101 Keep them. You're only 30, they're performing well and you're paying under 200 monthly.
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    Denied Permanent Policy

    @nayse 5 year postpone; it will show up on your MIB. Guaranteed issue is only option.
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    Quit smoking question

    @zemastruve Smoker, even if it was just 1.
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    @naate It's up to the owner/insured to mete out percentages.