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  1. L

    3.8 rate on mortgage. Pay lump sum or invest?

    @maggiehanley To expand on this, it depends a bit on your tax filing status and income level. Do you itemize deductions at tax time or take the standard deduction? The single standard deduction is ~$13k. So if you’re mortgage interest is less than $13k the mortgage interest provides no tax...
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    Does paying off debt with low interest rate even make sense?

    @miriamc You also need to account for taxes. Interest rate of 4% tends to be where it starts to become a grey area. Also that 6.3% is over the long term, SPY is a bit above where it was 2 years ago. In the shorter term the market can and will go down
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    New to financial planning, I wasted 8 years of my 401K employment matching only 3%. Is it too late for me (30 F)?

    @anederson The are income limits to contribute directly to a Roth IRA. There are also income limits to take the tax deduction for regular IRA contributions. But the law allows a person to contribute to an IRA and not take the deduction and then roll that money into a Roth IRA. If there is...
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    New to financial planning, I wasted 8 years of my 401K employment matching only 3%. Is it too late for me (30 F)?

    @williams36 You can still only contribute up to $6,500 into an IRA account in 2023. The $43,500 is the mega back door Roth and that has to go into your 401k as post tax contributions after maxing out the $22,500 of the 401k. The other thing to note is if you get an employer match you need to...
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    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    @happyami This is a great callout. I’ve moved my Roth account since I opened it and can’t find statements. Went back through old emails and bank statements to try and piece together what my contributions are. No intent to withdrawal money, but trying to keep better track of what Ive put in