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    Child ISA Fund All World vs S&P

    @2soulsearch Fees are 3x higher in World vs S&P.
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @nikkitikki99 Yup. Millennials will absolutely not vote for parties that try to keep the retirement age high as they approach retirement.
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @katshavens Those younger people get old. And they get old together, as a cohort. Once that cohort is 60, the cohort ahead of them will have begun dying off, making them the new largest cohort. A large group of old people are a formidable political force. There will be huge pressure to reduce...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @katshavens A retirement age rise is unsustainable politically. As soon as the generation affected by it is in its 60s it will be the dominant political issue in the then-pensioner demographic.
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth See, killing the state pension doesn't really save any money. If people are too old and decrepit to work, or to be hired, they will just go on disability or benefits, then the state has to pay anyways. And actually pension credit is worth more than a full state pension once you...
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    I don’t trust the state pension to exist when I’m 67 (or early 70’s). I’m currently 29. Should I set up a SIPP?

    @loverintruth Why do you think the state pension won't exist? Older voters will be the biggest voter cohort for the foreseeable future. They absolutely will not vote to have their pensions removed. And even if they vote to remove younger people's pensions, that's not sustainable, because...
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    Is 1200kwH a month abnormaly high electricity usage?

    @ghaynes It's pretty normal in Canada at least to have a finished basement with sump pumps in case of groundwater flooding. I've never been in a house where they ran all day though, that's way out of the ordinary. A £10k loan at 4.5% would be 275/mo over 5 years or thereabouts, might be worth...