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  1. P

    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @filterhouse Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it. Yeah I appreciate what you say about savings. I didn’t think I was doing too bad until I started paying attention to this sub.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @endalldisease Yeah I think this is a good tactic. I’ll see how I can handle it financially and reevaluate next year. Thanks.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @krikey Yeah that’s definitely a good way to look at it. Appreciate the kind words.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @amberwill22 Yeah it is a mission finding a nice place and then competing with the other 20 applicants. I’ll stay where I am.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @bella96 True that’s a good way to look at it. I’ll keep it and see how things go.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @shinsull True having dogs can make moving difficult. I’ll stay. Thanks!
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @meshak2 Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it and see how I feel in a year or so.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @skylarward Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    @resjudicata Thanks for your input. I’ll keep it and see how I feel in a year or so.
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    Renting 4.5 room apartment by myself

    So I posted on the ask Switzerland subreddit about a month ago about the ending of my relationship and whether to stay in the apartment when she leaves. Nothing has happened yet and I’m still in a position where I could find a new place or stay where I am. But I still can’t shake the feeling...