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  1. 9

    Must I pay tax to Ireland and the USA on US stocks?

    @blackshire Additionally to answer your question, NO! DeGiro do not cover your tax reporting liability with anyone else! It is entirely your responsibility and if you didn't fill it out with 212 that's on them. Honestly though, unless you're talking big money they won't even notice. They...
  2. 9

    Must I pay tax to Ireland and the USA on US stocks?

    @blackshire Ha! I see what you mean. No way out. Might be best to just buy euro from now on and not sell any US ones until you want to. If you've already bought in USD not much you can do. I've never under why people do that. I've heard them use the argument the dollar always appreciates...
  3. 9

    Must I pay tax to Ireland and the USA on US stocks?

    @cwalsh2468 OK firstly, liquidity is absolutely irrelevant for retail traders. Your buying stocks to a max of 250k per transaction. Out of multiple hundreds of millions float. It's nonsense and irrelevant. Hours could be relevant but unlikely unless you want to start at 14:00. But OK some...
  4. 9

    Must I pay tax to Ireland and the USA on US stocks?

    @blackshire You can just avoid all this horseshit by not buying on the nasdaq or nyse. Almost all companies worth their salt are floated on at least one if not 2 European exchanges. I've noticed a lot of people aren't aware of this and exchange euro into dollars to buy tesla and stuff and then...
  5. 9

    Deemed disposal now applied to non EU i.e. US domiciled ETFS?

    @pjv I don't think that's true. Or at least not completely. If you move to another country and are fully tax compliant there you don't have a liability. If you move and aren't then you do. If you pay tax somewhere your OK. If you inten to pay it nowhere then you're liable.