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  1. S

    BTC Luno x Binance

    @ericguitarman USDT is not US dollars. I believe this refers to the new US dollar-backed stablecoin USDT. Explains the difference in price. I may be wrong here. Anyone with more clarification on this?
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    BTC Luno x Binance

    @ericguitarman 10k difference is way too much. Are M'sian Binance users looking at prices in another country?
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    BTC Luno x Binance

    @ericguitarman Haven't tried Binance, so can't compare prices yet. I know Luno charges 2% fee on top of smaller deposit/withdrawal charges (max 0.70). Having said that, reddit has many customers complaining about terrible service on Binance. Do you have a similar experience?