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    TSP 5% Matching

    @oscuro Yea, I definitely didn’t know that was only a BRS thing, I’m High Three. Thanks for the information!
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    TSP 5% Matching

    @ihasaquestion Yea had all of it going to G-Fund my first 5 years. I’m taking a turn on my understanding of retirement and my TSP. I appreciate the help!
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    TSP 5% Matching

    @talitha1031 This just shows my ignorance on the topic. I’ve got the High Three plan. I’m an idiot lol.
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    TSP 5% Matching

    @talitha1031 So I logged into my pay and both say 0.0. That’s really interesting considering I’ve been investing 10% the entire last year.
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    TSP 5% Matching

    Hello, This is going to come off as a dumb question but I’ll ask anyways. Is there a way to verify if your investments are being matched? From my understanding if 5% of your base pay is invested all year then up to 5% will be matched by TSP. I’ve been pretty poor at investing into my TSP...