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  1. W

    What should I do with my reenlistment bonus? Getting the full tier 9 80k lump sum

    @lookingfordavid Keep in mind your bonus is regular taxable income, and with that amount, it’ll probably push you into a higher tax bracket than you’re used to. Unless you’ve already done the math and 80k is your take-home bonus, you’ll wind up with closer to 60k, so not enough for all the loans...
  2. W

    What should I pay off first

    @nothinges I jest. I’m doing work I love and wouldn’t be able to do as an officer, anyway. Anyway, I basically agree. The margins here are pretty small either way, so it’s basically a personal choice of wanting to get rid of the debt sooner or maintain liquidity. Knowing myself, I’d be itching...
  3. W

    What should I pay off first

    @nothinges Good point. I’m enlisted trash so I tend to forget that the 22% bracket exists. However, I still don’t think it should affect a new O1. Basic pay for under 4 years is still under 60k, and after the standard deduction (14k for 2024), effective income should be below the 47k threshold...
  4. W

    What should I pay off first

    @cbrooks624 Your student loans are the highest interest rate, and also the only ones worth paying aggressively as opposed to letting cash stew in an HYSA (even then it’s basically a wash depending on your particular loan vs HYSA). If you are pretty confident you’ll complete the 10 years for...