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  1. J

    Hitting Rock Bottom

    @mjmotr1 Too many wasted commitment. 1st of all, seek help for your mental health. After you taken care of your mind (and body), seek help from AKPk. 1st rule now is to STOP any loans. If you cannot pay for your vehicles, either do a rescheduling with your payment. Banks are more than happy for...
  2. J

    19 y/o student with no investment knowledge. What is the most passive way I can grow my RM10k?

    @indyanna Can use your Maybank or CIMB account. Pretty straightforward
  3. J

    19 y/o student with no investment knowledge. What is the most passive way I can grow my RM10k?

    @dazza_73 ASM as it still has the bigger dividend other than ASB
  4. J

    Financial Loss

    @jicurry1937 I 2nd the 2nd option