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  1. J

    Help me spread my savings into investments

    @silbo Haha! No. After your emergency fund, you are looking at about R200 000 split over 12 deposits. So it is not a massive part of your portfolio in the long run. The effort might not be worth it for some, but it is tax efficient :-)
  2. J

    Help me spread my savings into investments

    @silbo That is pretty much Point 5. The guaranteed 11% tax-free is pretty good. If the interest rates decline, I would also rather go more for global ETFs. The 1 year fixed deposits are a good blend of returns and liquidity. Remember that any growth on stocks that you keep for less than 3...
  3. J

    Help me spread my savings into investments

    @silbo Bit of a brain dump, but here is how I would maximize my savings and minimize tax: Contribute to RA to get tax benefits. Max out TFSA again 1st of March 2024. Keep emergency funds in a Money Market (7.9% is okay, but not great). Use monthly savings to start opening Tymebank fixed...
  4. J

    Optimising Qualifying Medical Expenses

    Was wondering if anyone has any experience with making their spouse the Primary Member for the medical aid to optimise for the "Qualifying Medical Expenses"? Is there any rules according to SARS regarding who the primary member should be? I am considering making my spouse the primary member as...
  5. J

    Where to go from here...

    @rjozen Option 2: Definitely kill that personal loan! Put Emergency Fund in an Access Bond (a.k.a FlexiReserve) in either Property 1 or Property 2. Can try and be maximally tax effective here, but just add it to your FlexiReserve for now. Is the Sanlam RA contributions reflected on your...