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  1. T

    Save for house down payment or max 401k

    @fullofspirit The current market is a wash; both overpriced being on the outside looking in. It’s a Hobson’s Choice. The issue OP is facing is what to do to mitigate the worst of both of these bad choices. It all depends on income. Less than 100k? You have to rent and try to save for a...
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    Is there another sub that’s like a step between this one and r/personalfinance?

    @misjessie Is there a… r/lowermiddleclassfinance? I’d even be happy with r/idreamofbarelybroke
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    Hooray you’re middle class in Texas!

    @resjudicata To be fair, that family is receiving benefits…
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    Stretch for new build or walk away?

    @universalistanthony I lived in Florida for 2 decades. If you are making anything over $130,000 you should be prospering. Having a needs-based budget and then making a hardline fun expenditure is the best way to prevent lifestyle creep. Another easy way to not do it wrong in Florida is...
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    Stretch for new build or walk away?

    @universalistanthony The problem with this income in Florida is lifestyle creep. Too many are living paycheck to paycheck 😳 It’s extremely easy to build wealth with this income in Florida; you just have to live as if you only make 75k. I think the details in this post prove that you can do it...
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    Deciding when to buy home (instead of rent) in current market

    @hal4x It sounds like you would be an ideal candidate who saves for a larger downpayment as renters for a few more years (2, but 3 is max). This will allow you the flexibility to have a similar PITI to what you are renting for.