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  1. P

    Calculating an Emergency Fund

    @siyabong That would indeed be quite the secret. However, as stated, I also have untaxed income. The 12k/yr is just the taxed amount. Also, long term house sitting saves on rent.
  2. P

    Calculating an Emergency Fund

    @resjudicata Ok, so: #3. Already covered by my current savings. #1. I assume I just make a few inquires and add these costs into my budget as if they were normally there, then multiply the whole thing by 6. But #2... how do I go about estimating these costs? I'm not familiar with USD or IDR...
  3. P

    Calculating an Emergency Fund

    Hi! So, I have a lot of savings piling up and I want to know: what's a sufficient Emergency Fund for an American living and working n Indonesia? As in, at what point do I stop saving and start looking for other saving/earning vehicles? Background information: Personal Info: 36yo, F, single, no...