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  1. C

    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @tropicdude The problem is not education. The problem is people are just dumb in general. Take 62 calls in a row, in 5 hours, and nobody wants liability, comp or coll. They only "want that full coverage insurance, i don't care about no comper-hension or collision, just full coverage' Mind blown...
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @philomatt The more you fuck around...the more you find out.
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @philomatt Or "I'm on disability"...that's my other favorite next to "fixed" incone!" Please turn down your 70 inch TV so we can talk about coverage for the $5,000 rims you so wisely bought for your $2,000 car. Tick-tock, time to talk fast, please. I know you don't have smoke alarms in that...
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @victory4me 😆
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @charlenenylor Not applicable in every state.
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @bk20257 Absolutely. You also hit the nail on the head; different companies have different standards so know whats up. Also rental car contracts are not the best example anyway. Coverage extendeds to the named insured and generally not household drivers
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @bk20257 Find a clients declaration page, there is a section that covers it. Then run your understanding of that scenario by an Underwriter the same way you would tell a client. Stupid simple to the pont. If the underwriter agrees, you now understand. If Underwriter disagrees, get them to...
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @glo22inc This is also very accurate.
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @sarah333 This.
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    P&C agents back me up on this?

    @resjudicata I wasn't looking for help, I wanted to hear more horror stories. I'll send your recommendations to my manger and email you the confirmation....
  11. C

    P&C agents back me up on this?

    I can't even open this sub without feeling like I'm at work! This feed is stressful when you're in the industry! Since there are so many stupid questions directed to insurance agents, I'd like to ask clients equally dumb questions. This inquiry will be in regards automobile insurance...