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  1. F

    Received an additional W-2 for $8.60 after I filed my taxes

    @stevenj I used the free version of TurboTax to file federally & my state
  2. F

    Received an additional W-2 for $8.60 after I filed my taxes

    @jasun Yes I used free TurboTax. I went to their website but it looks like it’s in a sort of limbo waiting to be submitted; I don’t think I can pull it down, edit it, and resubmit. This is good info though, thank you. I will wait and see once my return is processed.
  3. F

    Received an additional W-2 for $8.60 after I filed my taxes

    So i usually wait until the last minute to do my taxes but this year I got my W-2 from the company I interned with in 2020 & I decided to immediately file. A few days later I received a w-2 for an on campus job that I only worked an hour in all of 2020. Is it worth it to re-file for $8.60?