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    The Halal Investment Conundrum: Companies with Clean Financials and Permissible Products, Albeit with Haram Terminal Applications

    @unknown404 this is exactly my problem with the adapters of aaoifi standard. the first rule says the main activity of the company must be halal. "making software" as main activity: totally halal "making software for architects": totally halal "making software for architects, riba-based banks...
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    The Halal Investment Conundrum: Companies with Clean Financials and Permissible Products, Albeit with Haram Terminal Applications

    @sbmor777 2 things: 1- the 5% rule is not for the main activity it is only for the non-activity related income 2- if a company is generating revenue from producing alcohol, does it matter the percentage?
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    does this actually exist?

    @affreca personally i have seen companies who report 0 interest income. but i have not seen a company that doesnt take any loan there are quite many actually, tickers: ROL, GPC, MCK, AOS, GWW, DHI and many more
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    How is halal stocks determined (DOCN)

    @newcovenantheart A lot of people try to adhere to AAOIFI standards when trading in stocks. when determining whether a stock is halal or not the first rule is that the main activity of the company must be halal. as per this rule, if a company deliberately sells its products and/or services to...