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  1. L

    Bank offering 4.9% APY on 14 month CD (30 y.o.)

    @zams Right now you can do better with a TBill, because you pay no state income tax, so I would not lock in a 14mo bank CD right now personally.
  2. L

    U.S. 2-year Treasury note at 4.5% - would you buy or look for CD?

    @patricia1990 You can get a 1yr treasury around the same - that's what I would do
  3. L

    Filing Taxes b/c of Roth IRA?

    @elissia Still check the numbers, sometimes it's actually to your benefit to file.
  4. L

    Filing Taxes b/c of Roth IRA?

    @elissia Did you make more than 400 self employed? If so you have to file anyway , you can file for less than $10 with