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  1. M

    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @sajamor Nevermind lol you're not understand what I'm saying
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @sajamor I didn't get paid this past Sunday but the Sunday before I did. I got a text from the vec saying that I have to start filing claims on gov2go because they're changing their system. I went to gov2go when I got the text and I didn't See anywhere for me to file a claim up there. Or will it...
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @sajamor I exhausted my benefits the week before last. I tried to file this past Sunday and they let me file but the day that I usually get my payment nothing showed up. So that would be the 26th
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @sajamor Yes I'm on regular ui andi exhausted my benefits but not my benefit year. So do I keep filing and I'll only get the 300 or will I get my regular unemployment amount as well?
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @bekahk Exactly.. that's my WHOLE question. It says those 3 programs. It doesn't say anything about regular UI. That's why I'm worried
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @jamesdonahueusa I filed my week for this past Sunday on the VEC website. I'm on regular UI so I've never filed on gov to go but now it's telling me that I have to start filing a go to go so I don't know if it's going to pop up when next week comes to file or what. It'd be so much easier if they...
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @jamesdonahueusa I'm getting regular UI and I haven't had anything pop up
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @ohce Ok. When are they supposed to do that?
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @ohce They already did and it makes no sense
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    @ohce What Happens on the 6th?
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    [virginia] OK GUYS I NEED ANSWERS!!!

    If I am on regular UI, not pua or any of those other ones. Will my benefits still be extended for the new 11 weeks?? Because on the VEC website it says that people with pua, p e u c, and f p e c will be extended but it says nothing for the people on regular UI so I don't understand if everyone...