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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    @joanr65 I think 1000eurs per year, capital gains are tax exempt. I think per sell order costs 99Cents.
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    @ajs1342 It's Germany. And as far as I know 1000eurs are tax exempt. What would you do in that case?
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    I'm using scalable capital. Do you know what would be the selling charges in that case?
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    @natmeister79 I'm living in Germany. And 1000eur per year are tax exempt. I'm not so knowloadgable in terms of taxation. Please let me know which make sense in this case
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    @janetmal How can I avoid taxes for Germany ?
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    @janetmal Thank you. I live in Germany. Capital gains are tax exempt 1000eurs per year as far as I know. What should I do in that case? And what do you think 80/20 allocation, im 28 years old
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    @janetmal I started investing small. That's why I bought msci world and msci emerging and small caps a little. Then I decided to have 80/20 stock/bond allocation. I bought Vwce with Spdr some months. And then I noticed that Spdr doesn't have government only. The reason for government bond is to...
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    Which ETFs to sell and why?

    Hi, Since I want to buy a house, I need some of the money from my ETFs. I just need 2.086 EUR which I want to sell from my ETFs. Name of ETF ISIN Shares Current Price Total amount Effective Duration Unrealised return since inception Vanguard FTSE All-World IE00B3RBWM25 46.132 €104.17...