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    Crypto tax dilemma

    @7climber "Staking awards" to the best of my knowledge are treated as dividends at their market value and as such are subject to income tax, PRSI, and USC on their market value at the time they are received. If you later sell them then you have a capital gain or loss on the difference between...
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    Crypto tax dilemma

    @huynhtanan Yes. And that includes when it's sitting in the app after a sale, not just when it goes from the app to your bank account.
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    Crypto tax dilemma

    @rtjmrt Why is it that so many people think that the money or assets don't exist if it only sits in an app?
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    Don't like how Ireland taxes investments? Now's your chance to do something about it!

    @laura06 It's a taxable event subject to CGT.
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    BOI launched EcoSaver Mortgage with lower rates

    @gidmos44 Avant were doing 1.9% mortgages up until the first of the ECB rate hikes.
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    Inheritance tax

    @pastormoazzam You may need to revise that opinion.
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    Inheritance tax

    @kerimf You can claim Agricultural Relief if you farm the land on a commerical basis yourself for at least 50% of your normal working hours for the next 6 years after inheritance, or if you lease it to a farmer for the next 6 years after inheritance. This will reduce the taxable value of the...
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    Nixer Money Decision to Decide to move on

    @flyinflame14yyt The nixer is the equivalent of about €1100 a month of taxable income (roughly, haven't done the math). Do you think it would be achievable to get a raise like that through a promotion or by changing jobs? That way you'd have the same income but in a 9-5 role. The extra sleep...
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    S&P 500 Ireland

    @submission Brokers such as Degiro will allow you to access S&P500 ETFs, but I wouldn't do it until you understand the tax implications of doing so, and are comfortable with investing