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  1. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    @tiago It usually nets about 150 a year. He’s just been putting every dime back into it. Which don’t get me wrong it needs. The last 2 quarters we have broken even or taken a slight loss due to exponential rise in labor and food costs. The area were in is taking off though there’s about 1500...
  2. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    @boogaloo He owns another restaurant lol, which is very profitable. I think he just got lucky with it though
  3. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    @sj_aprilmay He’s raised the cost of our operating expenses quarter after quarter and then gotten mad at me for us losing profit. He’s done about 30 things since we bought it that increased prices. I’ve did 1. But I’m the one who is responsible for prices being up.
  4. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    @kelland I mean I can now. I just couldn’t with that being my only source of revenue
  5. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    @greatthoughts We’re in Florida. The new location will actually do really well and it’s already paid for. I was done with the stuff I needed to get done 8 months ago now we’re just waiting on his part.
  6. J

    So I bought a restaurant with a friend.

    So I bought this restaurant with a friend of mine about 2 years ago. The premise was that I’d be the operating partner and I took a small salary (60k) to run this and help us expand to a new location. Going into this I was very financially well positioned but the paycut and us not taking a...