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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @highway2heaven I didn't know Plum, I'll have a look, thanks for suggesting!
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @kaeandcolesmom That reinforces other similar opinions I gathered before, then I'll definitely take a closr look at it. Thanks!
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @betzoor422513 I didn't know BUNQ, I'll have a look, thanks for suggesting!
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @scottcuster Oh I didn't know, I'll have another look at the terms and conditions then! Thanks!
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @scottcuster Raisin seemed like a great option in the beginning! Unfortunately you can only use the service as long as you're an Irish resident. Since I'm planning to move in a relatively short time-frame, I thought it might not be worth opening an account. Are you aware of anything like Raisin...
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @lisek Thanks for the comparison! It's a shame that Revolut doesn't offer a more competitive option compared to the others, given that's so widely used, especially in Ireland, and I've also heard great things about Trade Republic. I'll definitely look more into them, thanks!
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @eastcascade Thanks for sharing! All input, is good input
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @snoopy90 Makes sense and agree with your last sentence! Are the iBonds ETF in EUR edged against USD?
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    @snoopy90 Great suggestions. I already have a fairly big portion of my net worth already invested in ETFs for the long term (10+ years) and I'm currently studying bonds to understand what would be the best solution for me. After some research I would have opted for a short-term (3/5 years)...
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    Better alternatives to saving accounts in Europe

    Hi all, I'm 28 and I'm based in Ireland. Interests on saving accounts offered by banks are generally very low here. To give you an idea, unless you go with a fixed term deposit account which locks your money for 6 to 24 months, interests can be as low as 0.1%-0.25%. Considering that I'm...