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  1. M

    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @wowdarling Yeah, I've relised... but would you think it's worth it considering I'm not quite competent enough to invest in shares on my own just yet?
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @danil999 Currently, I've paid him $500 to prepare a statement of advise which includes all data collection, personalised advice, strategy planning, detailed design & calculations, tax calculations, etc. Then, if I was to move forward with this advise, he then charges an on-going fee of 0.66% p/a.
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @nurseir I do remember seeing this... hopfully someone was taking notes!
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @michaelsayen I'm quite a sceptical person by nature, so I plan on researching the advise that he provides before going ahead with anything. I'm now even considering to maybe get a 2nd or 3rd opinion. I've found Scott Pape to be a very valuable resource aswell. Thanks for the recommendation.
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @rhonds Thanks for the insight. I'll keep this in mind moving forward.
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @goldencrownofthorns Yeah, definitely planning on get getting a prenup made. Thanks.
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    @danil999 Great advise. I was thinking just yesterday of salary sacrificing for when I start working full time. I'll definitely keep this in mind, thanks.
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    (M/23) Inheriting $400,000, what should I do with the money? (8 Month UPDATE)

    Hey r/ausfinance 8 months ago I posted to this subreddit explaining my current situation and in seek of some guidance on some possible ways to invest $400,000 that was coming my way. Heres the link: Update: So, next month I'll be receiving 1/3 of the inheritance money ($130,000ish) - the...