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  1. V

    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @carolny >Bro. educate yourself on reading comprehension
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    Where to begin?

    @maypham03 Have you read the wiki linked in the pinned post?
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    Financial Independence RSA

    @gracer I only have local property exposure in retail space through REITS, and a few shares in EE's property account for fun. No family yet so I'm renting - I and my partner may be working in Europe for a while so that was a good idea. I have about 45% international equities exposure in broad...
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    Car Insurance

    @jorgue12 Insurance is for if you have an accident with a R1m+ merc and their insurance decides to sue
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    Financial Independence RSA

    @gracer Well done on sticking to plan. What is your investment split between foreign equity/stocks, local equity/stocks and property?
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    S&P 500

    @joseph1853 That's a bit of an assumption. It has, some times, recently. That doesn't mean it will in future
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    Rental property advice please

    @paedwards What is the value of the equity exposure, bonds vs property currently? What is the ideal diversified distribution? Most people are horribly overweight with money in one or two residential properties - which is worse diversification than having none.
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    S&P 500

    @mimidi You could, if you wanted more exposure to the InfoTech holdings than the S&P offered alone.
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    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @evollanrete I was under the impression that all financial planners would focus on the individual if an individual came to them for financial planning. Would a normal financial planner not look at you and your needs?
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    S&P 500

    @mimidi Look up the fund fact sheets. InfoTech is sector specific
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    A fellow employee at our McD’s got knocked in the drive-thru a few weeks ago and finally got paid out

    @resjudicata Dividends is not a percent of what you invest as a thank you, it's a return of some of the earning of the company to it's shareholders. You also won't earn interest on cash invested because you don't hold cash, you hold shares. If they increase in in vale it is not interest
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    Rental property advice please

    @paedwards It is costing you R 2 990 plus the opportunity cost of returns on your equity in the property invested elsewhere plus the future maintenance costs you will incur, plus a risk value assigned to not having a tenant for x months. What do you mean by 'diversification'? How much equity in...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen 1) Absa cash invest tracker account and an FNB money market 2) 10X TotalWorld, MSCI S&P, MSCI EuroStoxx, 1Invest InfoTech etc. 100% global diversified ETF. RA is limited to ~60% SA already so TFSA makes up a bit of balance
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    Q1 2023 F.I.R.E. update

    @gracer Good going on Tungela. Cyclic markets in resources are risky but you got out ahead. I didn't have the guts for Alibaba after the Chinese regulation worries. Your rate of accumulation is high, planning to add 1.5 bar to NW under 30 from income is a great position to be in. Keep it up...
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    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen I don't really invest in bonds as I'm in a long term growth stage - I have a high risk tolerance. I wouldn't put bonds in the TFSA either as we already have a yearly interest exclusion of R23.8k pa, which I get from my emergency fund in HYSA/Money Markets instead - and the contribution...
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    Extra 250k, Where to invest it ??!

    @dayna It is difficult to comment without knowing your current picture in more detail. How much is in the RA/TFSA and what are they invested in? What is the risk profile of your current investments? Tyme bank is a real and registered bank in SA, not at all a crypto ponzi scheme like Terra
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    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @deus_ex_machina The silver price in dollars has only ranged $20-$26 this year, are you actively trading for that 40% return?
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    Car finance advice

    @elainecrawford If you trade in or sell it the balance of your loan becomes due to your lender. If you are underwater on the car you could owe more than its worth. A dealership will ask those questions too when putting together a deal.
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    Gold returns are good, why the hate?

    @deus_ex_machina Why? Silvers historic return is worse than gold
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    Investing for dummies

    @stayinfaith It's cheaper because it only pays put if you die in the correct circumstances during the insured time. The more likely that becomes with age, the more expensive the policy.