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  1. J

    Do we Millennials/Gen Z have it economically harder than our Gen X/Boomer parents?

    @marlow1 CPAs back then were considered one of the best paid professions. There's a reason older people still try to push for their kids to become accountants. The problem is, CPA salary grades have not kept up with the times because of the explosion of outsourced salaries so they fell behind...
  2. J

    Do we Millennials/Gen Z have it economically harder than our Gen X/Boomer parents?

    @caryann8514 It might be hard to believe but save for the lack of affordable housing, we're actually better off. Advances in global job outsourcing, OFW inflows, and industrial manufacturing has allowed our economy to experience one of the longest bull runs in economic history from the 80s up...
  3. J

    Fellow millennials, how are u guys doing economically nowadays?

    @be4christ My dad had to work abroad as I did. The main difference is that I was able to bring my family with me because he had to work in the middle east and I moved to the US. I have probably spent more time with my daughter now than he has ever spent with me. His life was definitely harder...