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    What would be your dream Islamic Finance product?

    @mikemule Just normal banking products that I can use on risky basis with confidence. An account to save An account to get my pay check in. A mortgage Any financing for cars etc. investment brokerage account Basically what every bank offers but I want it 100% halal. Don’t make it...
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @princesst1 There is something about having no loans on my head.
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @jenniferrm Ameen. May Allah accept our efforts.
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @leftydad Didn’t know about them. Will look into it inshaAllah.
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @unknown404 I am not an expert but I have seen a few sharia complaint ETFs and with apps like Zoya we can screen a bit better.
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @unknown404 How come? Option 2 can be done in halal way as well. Just need to buy real estate in a different market without mortgage.
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    @isop777 HCOL - high cost of living. So for 1.6M we are getting a decent 3 bedroom townhome. Nothing fancy.
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    Invest or buy house in cash

    We are currently renting in a HCOL (Bay Area) and have significant cash saved up ($1.6M). We have been thinking of just buying a townhome for our family of 3. Here are couple of options that we are thinking about, need some sanity check: Continue renting (5k per month) and buy real estate...