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  1. H

    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @graymike91 Yup. Since US has a money printer going brrrrr and the CHF has its very own history in gaining value against like any currency... personally I prefere hedging in CHF. At least partially. Saw too many people crying again at the end of 2023 when almost all gains were gone because of...
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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @uberweston TL;DR: Use IBKR and dont care about denomination as it is only an automatic currency exchange for higher TER The denomination does not really matter wether it is in USD or CHF since the underlying performance remains the same but currency exchange is automatically calculated in for...
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    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @virtualhope Ah true, income tax decreases as well which I did not have in mind 😅 This gets pretty complicated to calculate accurately
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    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @virtualhope Why canton/city? Taxes? I guess I will calculate it through with excel too now lol. Alway wondered how many years it takes till the 8% average is better than the employers match with 3% average.
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    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @virtualhope What is interesting though is the employers match! Or did I get this wrong?
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @georgehay Good job buddy and congrats! Thank you for showing that it is absolutely possible by hard work and effort.
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @getwisdom Thank you for very much! This helped a lot. So it is not that silly to buy CHF-hedged ETFs after all.
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    where can I start planning my financial future?

    @branden I should have made other quotation marks like only "independent" advisors. What I am meaning is those people that are claiming to be "independent" but in fact they only offer high cost products because they work on commission. They usually try to sell 3a from an insurance company and...
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @getwisdom Can you explain the point of "currency of exchange doesnt matter" a bit further? I thought it matters because when s&p500 grows 8% but USD loses about 3-4% to CHF you rest with 4% gains. When you buy in CHF the position is hedged so you might make an average of 6-7%
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    where can I start planning my financial future?

    Oh and DO NOT trust "independent advisors". If you have a significant amount of money mabe talk to someone of VZ Vermögenszentrum, but be careful there too. They are better because you pay them for individual consulting. But honestly this usually only makes sense if you have no clue at all but...
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    where can I start planning my financial future?

    @geryd Those two are honest, specific and real Sparkojote is also on youtube. Check for older videos because now he turned is channel more into a business and podcast channel
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    What's up with those ads for real estate investment from 10k CHF?

    @jamesf123 Honestly I do not invest in REITs at all and do not know how they exactly work. But: If there is a project in zurich this could be pretty cool. Usually those companies invest in emerging markets like albania and so on because of better possible profits where there is a lack of...
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    Home bias in finpension pillar 3a

    @tastywallet Personally I do mostly sp500 and NASDAQ (since the main part of the world indexes is in US anyway) and cover the swiss part with SPI
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    What's up with those ads for real estate investment from 10k CHF?

    @jamesf123 Yeah, REITS show about the average performance of such projects. You might be invested in 2 projects with 10% and 2 projects that file for bankruptcy, averaging in 5% before taxes :) Yes you usually are. (Or maybe you get participation contracts then you are not) But there is not...
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    What's up with those ads for real estate investment from 10k CHF?

    @jamesf123 This. I don't see any benefit in crowdinvesting into real estate if you can just buy REITS that trade with high volume.
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    Home bias in finpension pillar 3a

    @travis73 Yeah, I can understand the security point of currency in CHF but it really is ridiculous with the nestle novartis roche thing. CHF hedged seems like a pretty good alternative though
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    @faithgirlfl Be mim rechebispiel esches fair. Es wär unfair gägeüber andere wenn du krank besch und 10h arbetszit bechunnsch und anderi nur 6h. Solangs sich so wie beschriebe usglicht esches fair und okay. Wie gseid, du schaffsch ganz normal 8h wie immer und gheisch zerst 50h is minus, besch...
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    Lohnbuch 2024

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    Career as a financial advisor

    @tim1960 If you offer a cheap solution you will get customers too. Imagine it like a robinhood app in a world of swissquote brokers. You could adapt this to financial advisory. I doubt that switzerland is a cool market for this but if you focus on DACH it could work too. But this would rather be...
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    @faithgirlfl Ide theorie gaht das, ja. Eifach gseid: sollaebeitszeit durchschnitt 8h/tag. 1 tag krank = 8h Etz hend ehr bin vorschaffe 10h-täg, du machsch also 2h minus pro tag. ABER: Du muesch denn fairerwiis das minus wieder chönne usgliche idem du dete i de andere täg wo er ebe nacher...