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    A little PSA on renovating your home

    @serena23 Appreciate the timely advice, I'm about to blow some money on this myself
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    Got a job offer at PwC but a bit skeptial to accept after seeing the news about the tax scandal, what should I do?

    @christabelle Ask for more money. Compo for the damage the job will do to your reputation.
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    It's ridiculous that some people consider economics a "science"

    @supercow Yes, the minutes are very well written. You wouldn't be able to pin too much on the people that attend the meetings.
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    Contracting: Pros n Cons

    @faithfilms09 Yeah the missing entitlements are a pain. Four weeks off over Christmas can be a very expensive proposition. However, as you've noted, you get paid bucketloads of cash, and that kind of makes up for it
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    [META] Shoutout to the r/AusFinance Mods!

    @bugs1962 Hey, your senpais noticed you. I hope you feel good.
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    Crippling student debt is a thing in Australia too, like the US and unlike the rest of the civilised world (e.g. Europe)

    @thienvietcom This is getting ridiculous. Now you want postgraduate education to be free? There's just no limit to your greed!