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  1. J

    Bitcoin just hit a RM all time high!

    @karubin How do you DCA? Do you invest a fix amount monthly?
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    [31m] Staying in a job that is killing me for a guaranteed RM100k bonus

    @dj209 Sounds to me like you are burned out. On the argument why you can quit ahead: Agreed with someone who said that the stress of not having financial stability can also take a great toll on you, especially with no ends on sight. If you are truly sure you won't end up risking your financial...
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    Financial anxiety is real. Convince me to spend my bonus

    @kimmyfs Fellow person with financial anxiety here. I personally will try to save 50% of the bonus because it gives me happiness when I save my money than spending it. Some people are happy when they spend on what they like, some people are happy to keep their money in their investment. Both are...
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    1000sq aprtment for family of 4

    @seanh43 I agree to this. For long term I think at least 1200 sqft should be the minimum for 4 people. Is 1000sqft enough? Enough. But is it comfortable? I am not sure.
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @meesh1070 Sharing my experience, my parents almost became homeless when my dad's investment gone bad and we could not afford a 7K monthly mortgage anymore with my fresh grad income of 2.5K. I think you are not in too bad position since you can continue the mortgage in any case that your parents...