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    Buying property using a company

    @dancing7 thanks
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    Buying property using a company

    @timandres tq
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    Buying property using a company

    @hippyhappo learning as we go along in life hehe
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    Buying property using a company

    @blessedjoanna thanks i understand better now
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    Buying property using a company

    @inneedofacompass i see. thanks for your explanation
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    Buying property using a company

    @ineedadvice101 Saw this too but I think above link is for personal tax deductions. Am interested in a Sdn Bhd tax deductibles / expenses
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @meesh1070 yea i guess it should be essentials man if that's the case
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    Parents have lots of debt and no savings

    @meesh1070 yo OP. simple, get them to list what they spend on monthly. i think it's quite difficult to judge if they're wasteful in their spending or are spending on something essential to them mind listing it down>
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    Buying property using a company

    @ineedadvice101 what about cars? sorry i'm a total newbie when it comes to this, just thinking to find ways to reduce tax exposures
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    Buying property using a company

    @nataliemoralesa I see, thanks kind stranger for your thorough explanation
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    Buying property using a company

    @lynnie7 Thanks for your honesty. are cars considered an asset? Because it can be under expenses up to 100k right? Just thinking along the lines if property can be considered like that too
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    Buying property using a company

    @mlorrainee oh then why are cars tax deductible yet (although up to 100k or 150k) right? will cars be parked under assets / expenses?
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    Buying property using a company

    @lakes Thanks for your comment! But then you’ll be paying taxes on your spv too right? Unless it’s a loss making spv
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    Advise on Clearing Hutang(s)/Loan

    @matthewades There’s something about getting a peace of mind when you clear off your loans. Sure, interest is around 3 and fd (easiest lowest risk) is at 4. Net gain 1% from doing nothing no research etc. But here’s the thing. It won’t provide you your peace of mind. And if I were you I’d pay...
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    Buying property using a company

    @nc6041 I think I do 🤣
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    Buying property using a company

    hi, would like to check if buying property using a company can be used as an expense? in the simplest terms, if i forecast my net profit of 200k for FY23 (prior to purchasing the property) and I then bought a property for 200k in FY23, will my PnL / balance sheet be 0 hence i pay 0 tax in 2024...