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  1. J

    Noob and clueless about my financial skills

    @sweetascandy1990 It depends on where you live and lifestyle. 4.5k in a rural area goes a lot further than 4.5k in KL. But honestly even with 4.5k it’s extremely difficult to the point of impossible to save your way to financial security if you’re looking for a middle class lifestyle pre and...
  2. J

    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @jmh96 Yes, that’s true of all investments.
  3. J

    Discussion : choosing 9 year loan despite high income??

    @schnolhamor I actually took a 9 year loan for a x70 with a 50% downpayment despite being able to buy the car outright. Took the excess cash and invested it instead. 3 years later lucked out and made enough profit from that investment to payoff the balance and still retain the principal and some...