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  1. K

    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @shiranui117 mine says "integrated" but the breakdown of the loan is such that when I click on it it shows federal 0$, provincial $9k or whatever its down to now.
  2. K

    Going to be making double the money, what to do with it

    @k1mmico I'm newer, but I can leave at 60 with 32.5 years of service myself. My wife has a provincial pension, she can leave at 55, and I'll be 57.5 with 30 years. So I could live off savings if I'm lucky to do so. We'll see how things look and if I'm ready or not then.
  3. K

    Going to be making double the money, what to do with it

    @k1mmico But the small amount we pay to death benefit means we have double salary tax free as defacto life insurance. And the unions have access to cheap life insurance too. Not cheap if you're young, but way cheaper if you're older. I plan to switch away from TD when the premiums are similar...
  4. K

    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @avivah Huh, I never went into arrears but I do remember being sent to collections while on RAP in error. It was sorted out very quickly, happened when I was laid off in 2017 from a part time job and I applied for RAP but they said I was 5 months behind after that. Maybe that's what did it? I...
  5. K

    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @anaparti on my NSLSC webpage I have two Canada Student Loan #### $$$$ Canada-Ontario Integrated Student Loan #### $$$$ When I click the Canada loan, I see only federal portion of funds When I click integrated, I see only provincial portion of funds. It says Canada Loan amount 0$, Ontario...
  6. K

    PSA: pay off the Ontario portion of your OSAP (currently at 7.45% interest)!!!

    @justmethistime Unless it's so old on origination they have seperate loan numbers like me! Woooooo! (?) edit: for anyone curious, i started university in 2006, got loans back then, went on to grad school and floundered for many years, then was on RAP after that for a while, then did a full time...
  7. K

    Canadian vs U.S. used car market (0.43%) vs (1.19%)

    @gzomk And if the lag is due to lots being filled up, the US being a larger market means they generally get more wholesaler activity as well. And their average car loans were also way higher than ours at their market peak. So they have bigger numbers to deal with and more people to repossess...
  8. K

    Should I switch to fixed?

    @flipflip but what if it stays where it is now for 6 months, then they match rates for 2 years. Will 6 months at, idk, effectively 4.95 make up for paying 5.95 vs 5.3 for 6 months? Probably not. It's also no guarantee they stop with one 25bps hike. They might do another if inflation remains...
  9. K

    Should I switch to fixed?

    @masterbaster if you do the math on the spread between where you are now, and what the offered fixed is, you might be surprised. Figure out how much lower it needs to get to break even, and then how much lower to end up ahead (MoM) then figure out how many months it takes to recover while the...