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  1. P

    30 hours free childcare and top-up fees

    @duke845 If the nursery is open all day (12h say 7am to 7pm), that 22h per week will be used up in 1.8 days so OP would still need to pay full cost for 2.2 days, plus the additional food/nappies for the free 1.8 days. All considered, the bill would be higher than £900-950 Edit: comment below...
  2. P

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @resjudicata I appreciate i am fortunate on many counts but a mortgage, two kids in nursery, increased food and fuel prices, and energy bills going up again - outgoings per month are in the thousands Its approaching the point where my wife should give up work as it will be cheaper to live that...
  3. P

    Price cap details - regional breakdown

    @cbmiller Hi all, the easiest way to handle these numbers is to use MSEs calculator...