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  1. S

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @cbscr64 Maybe fact check your claims BEFORE you make them next time. Lower amounts of certain amino acids =/= completely uavailable. A well planned vegan diet can be very healthy and contain plenty of the essential amino acids without needing to even think much about it. You're still so wrong...
  2. S

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @cbscr64 That just isn't true. No, it's lower calorie intake. I'm not telling anyone to be vegan, I'm just telling you you're wrong. Tryptophan is found in a variety of nuts, seeds, grains and fruit. There's heaps of lysine in beans. Methionine is also found in nuts, beans and grains. I...
  3. S

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @cbscr64 Nope, I'm an omnivore
  4. S

    Advice on cheap proteins.

    @cbscr64 Uh.... who told you this? There are plant foods with each of those things. Yes sure it can take more variety in your diet to get all the necessary amino acids from plants, but it isn't impossible by any means. The only firm limit nutritionally on a plant based diet is B12, but that is...