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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @mamadacca Always have been using questrade!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @mamadacca TFSA - With the most aggressive Vanguard ETF (100% stocks, 0% bonds) :)!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Awesome, thank you so much for the detailed response! I plan to use all of John's spreadsheets before putting any money in! Appreciate all the help again!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Oh and lastly! Just to double check I'm not crazy.... The book Millionaire Teacher and The Value of Simple mentioned about rebalancing atleast once a year. We shouldn't time the market and only rebalance once a year, correct? For example, if the market will crash in Jan 2022-...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Ah that makes a lot more sense, thank you!!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Thank you for taking the extra effort by sharing the video! > For example the rate for VGRO (or XGRO) would be about 4.5% + .24% = 4.74%. Why are we adding the management fee back though? Shouldn't it be subtracting the management fee since it's part of the MER. So for example, if...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Awesome! thank you so much! I think ~1.7million by 70 is correct now! Although, I didn't mind being a multi-millionaire by 70 > When people do these comparison I urge them to also think about how the extra will affect their...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Thank you so much for the detailed response!!! Definitly agree with you, out of sight out of mind :)! I'm definitely leaning on all-in-one ETFs for simplicity and the reasons you stated. Out of curisoity I wanted to figure out how much money I'll "lose" if I were disciplined about...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea A follow up! do you personally ever suggest having DIY / individual ETFs compared to an all-in-one ETF like XBAL? After reading: I know they essentially yield the same results! But I also came...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Makes sense, thank you for all your help!!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @philtheolus Got it! thank you for everything! appreciate it!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @asmodea Thank you so much for sharing the resources!! A few followups! > If you will be making regular contributions I definitely will; monthly if it makes a difference. The hybrid approach is interesting and I'll keep it in the back of my mind! > at you use Questrade and Blackrock’s...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @philtheolus Oh and a small followup, as my portfolio gets larger in size, is there a situation where I should start making my own individual ETFs such as (and ditch all-in-one ETFs like VGRO): XIU = Canadian Stock Index XBB = Canadian Bond Index XIN = International Stock Index XSP = U.S...
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @shekinah1978 Thank you for clarifying that up! I got it mixed up!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @philtheolus makes sense! than you :)!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @electropterodactyl Thank you for clarifying!
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    @philtheolus Thank you! I looked into it and it sounds promising! The MER'S are roughly the same and from a quick glance it looks like there is no commission fee. However, Questrade seems to be popular choice, is there something I'm missing from Questrade compared to Vanguard?
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    20 Y.O - TD E-series vs ETFs for TFSA?

    Asking because after reading a few posts made year(s) ago, I'm wondering if the MER & Commision changed this year. TFSA Contriubtion Room : 23,500 Portfolio: 10% index bonds, 90% index funds (split evenly between U.S, CA, International Market) I plan to rebalance my portfolio once a year. I...