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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @ilovegodsite Yep, was seamless. I’m with vanguard now and the fees are much lower with a higher target return
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @nothingbutaglance I’m going to switch and will report back on the experience
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @luxdei So quick update. I found that the Choice Heatmap on APRA website actually lists Spaceships performance under the entity name “Tidswell master superannuation plan”. When you select this option and compare against Hostplus and Unisper growth options you get the following 5 year net...
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @luxdei Understood, I guess that makes it hard for new super entrants with differing strategies to prove themselves against older funds right? Is there a tracking tool in the market that shows 5 year return comps?
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @luxdei This was my argument I made to myself in 2018 when I moved to it. At the time my super was with REST and was performing terribly. What I find frustrating about Spaceship is that it isn’t listed amongst any of the super comparison tools. For example if I go to the myGov super comparison...
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @littlemiracle7 Yeah I guess the conclusion here is if it’s a fee it’s coming from the consumers pocket (must be docked from the returns instead of the account balance similar to an ETF)
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @littlemiracle7 Yeah the 0.459% is strangely worded… says it’s a fee that needs to be disclosed but isn’t a direct cost to the account… then they exclude from their own 50k calc.. talk about confusing.
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @littlemiracle7 Thanks I’ll take a look
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    Looking into aware super. Their highest growth option “future saver” targets CPI + 4% p.a. Their fees are $497 on 50k so 1% also. Interestingly spaceship growthX only targets CPI + 2.75% for the same fee! So more fee for less return against the most aggressive aware super option….
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @littlemiracle7 Okay yes I’ve just read the current PDS the fee stack is: $78 p.a + 0.693% on account balance deducted monthly + 0.459% paid by third parties but not deducted from the account (PDS states this is not an additional cost to your account but is required to be disclosed…confusing?)...
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @creslaw One of my issues with spaceship is I can’t find it listed in the super comparison tools out there in the market. For example the mygov super performance tracking tool seems to list every super company out there EXCEPT for spaceship. I wonder why? I can see at face value it is...
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    @immanent_escha I’ll have a read thanks!
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    Eject from Spaceship Super?

    Time to cash out from Spaceship Super? Hi all, I joined Spaceship super May 2018 with a unit price of $1.22. The current unit price is $2.11 after a fairly healthy run last few months, however last year their returns were highly volatile and they had a lot of bad press + required an equity...