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  1. G

    If i drove total 3000 kms in 2020, what is the average gas price i have to calculate to get the final cost?

    @hiwaystar You shouldve gotten a software that has an app that scans your receipts... Now you gotta learn excel
  2. G

    Letter from CRA saying I owe $15,000. What do I do?

    @harlonbc Is the letter legit? Does it have a stamp or one of thoes digital qr things? What number did you call? The one from the letter or straight from the CRA website?
  3. G

    GF wants to pay into mortgage from UK, will eventually be added on.

    @afx27 I don't know how it works if you've been internationally. But just know that if you seperate she's entitled to half your matrimonial home. As well as your savings,pension etc.
  4. G

    GF wants to pay into mortgage from UK, will eventually be added on.

    @afx27 You live together for a year and you're basically married btw
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    How to invest USD?

    @carolyb I know thats why i said whatever the us equivalent
  6. G

    How to invest USD?

    @paulinesinclair HISA ETF. or whatever us equivalent