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  1. V

    Officially surpassed $70k net worth today at 28 y/o! How am I doing so far?

    Current salary is $75k w/ 8%-10% bonus No debt. BofA checking - $2.5k BofA savings - $2k HYSA - $31.5k (emergency fund money) Roth IRA maxed out since 2022 currently at $21k Brokerage account - $500 (just started putting money into it this month; planning to contribute $500/mo to mutual...
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    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    @vencelalas Thanks for the kind words. Definitely comforting to hear.
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    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    @happyami I didn’t think of that. I will definitely be doing that. Thank you for the advice!
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    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    @addraornun Can you please elaborate on this? I think I read somewhere I could withdraw any of my contributions, just not the gains w/o getting penalized correct?
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    28 y/o, feeling stressed after transferring $7k into 2024 Roth IRA contribution

    I have about $40k in liquid funds in a HYSA earning 4.35% interest. Currently have no debt - no school debt, CC debt, car loan, no mortgage, etc. Making around $75k a year. Net worth about $65k including 401k and Roth IRA. Anyway, I have been maxing out my Roth IRA in 2022 and 2023 and...