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  1. Q

    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @samdasari It doesn’t matter that it includes more than sedans. The point is that people have $46,000 to blow on a new car. The people that can’t afford a new car by used cars.
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    An Evaluation of TSLA; What Value can it Realistically Reach this Decade?

    @samdasari You might be surprised to find that the average new car is $46,000 in the US. Yes, some of it is due to supply chain issues. But a $21k Corolla is nowhere near the average.
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    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @jools1981 You realize multiple things can be true at once right?I’ll spoon feed you the answer since you seem incapable of any type of critical thinking. Ford is a mature company (though EV division is not) so P/E would be useful to look at yes. HOWEVER, it does have the Rivian position which...
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    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @shlomo1 You might wanna read the part about rivian stock again… Or are you one of the many that thinks Ford sold the stock?
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    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @johnhus1966 Very true. Unless it’s some very mature company it’s better to use it in conjunction with Forward P/E, PEG, etc.
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    Ford (F) P/E ratio is around 4 !

    @lucky9 Lol the amount of upvotes for this shows how uninformed the sub is. Ford didn’t sell their rivian position. They counted the unrealized gains of rivian stock in the Q4 2021 EPS as per accounting rules. So P/E is artificially low. Q1 2022 EPS will show an unrealized loss of Rivian stock...